Shoryuken Motion

To countdown to the #200wordRPG contest (which i’m unnervingly excited about), I’ll be posting a 200 word RPG each week until the contest opens!

Two volunteers become opposing Fighters in “Grand Tournament*.”  All others: you Audience. Watch! Listen!

Fighters colorful, inscrutable.  Name/Appearance only requirements!   

Tournament have rounds, 60-99 seconds each (use timer).


FIGHTERS: Move yourselves, convey battle (flying kick, teleport, fireball). Yell to distinguish movements dramatically (“I’ll show you Ninjitsu!”, “Primal blast!”).  Vocalizations not descriptions of technique, mostly stagecraft. Entertain audience until timer expire. Kabuki-quality drama optional.

AUDIENCE: Deduce happenings of round from senses (Watch!  Listen!). Discuss. Name moves. Enhance flavor.


FIGHTERS: Move as before!  

AUDIENCE: After round, introduce GameMechanics®.  How moves affect progress of fight? Some move immobilize.  Some protect more greater. Some have cost. Write these public!


FIGHTERS: Move in harmony with mechanics!  Continue even if mistakes made.

AUDIENCE:  From now on, groom GameMechanics®: remove error (or not), make new.  


Grow audience proportionally to rules bloating.

FIGHTERS:  Move with victory lust!

AUDIENCE:  Hold rules/cane firmly!  Punish incompetent fighter.  Become mechanics vocalization/enforcement automaton (“Hit!”, “Counter!”, “Stun!”).  Argue balance®. Now, declare winner on timer expire (or before, if rules dictate). Loudest audience member record tournament, commentate EVO-style, upload, shame loser.

Continue tournament until melancholy overpowers.

*Tournament is outdoors only!