Passive Shooter

To countdown to the #200wordRPG contest (which i’m unnervingly excited about), I’ll be posting a 200 word RPG each week until the contest opens!

[Place copies of this document all over a convention, or another large gathering of gamers. Inundate the joint.]


The shibboleth is “godlike”: shout it, along with two words describing your superpower (descriptors), in a public place. You’re now a superhuman spree killer. Imagine using your powers to rend people, animals, and property in the area apart. If anyone else answers you, insert them into your mental narrative, taking their descriptors into account. If no one does, skip immediately to the Bad Ending after 5 minutes.

If you hear someone say the shibboleth, answer as follows (if you dare):

Say “godlike” + descriptors: You’re in league with the killer. Paint your own violent mental narrative.

Say “halt” + descriptors: You’re a powered-someone opposing the killer. Paint a righteous (and also violent) mental narrative.

Spend 5 minutes steeped in fantasy.

Afterwords, meet with the other players (or don’t).

Discuss the scenarios that played out in your heads. Listen. Disagree. Laugh. Complement. Imagine further.

Bad Ending:

Spend time brooding, thinking about why nobody responded to you. Maybe nobody felt like playing? Maybe you looked creepy? (Maybe they didn’t know about the game?). Go home, sulk. Replay the fantasy you had earlier in your head.