

Gonna misuse the word “catachresis”
to make myself look smart, misuse
the word poetry when it’s flash
fiction with lines broken
in odd places, write “experimental”
poems by shuffling around some words
and spreading them over a page ’cause
that’s what everyone else
seems to do, gonna misuse a feeling
or a metaphor which brings the reader
to a halt,

makes them grunt in derision, gonna misuse
OkCupid to advertise my chapbook and find
some bio phrases to misuse, gonna overuse
the word “misuse” so much that it seems
fake, gonna use the cliche of overused
words not looking like words anymore, misuse
“cliche” for boring simile, overuse simile
so the poem is comparisons all the way down,
nothing real in sight, misuse “simile”
when I mean metaphor, cliched overused
metaphors misused, misuse my time
writing a poem about misusing the word
“catachresis” to make myself look smart.