Flyboy in therapy

Flyboy in therapy

Well I became mixed insect when one night when wellhmmm umm
well me and my dad would watch these pulpp scfihmmm movies about experiments gone wrong with some hunchback flipping switches and mad men obsessed with those eureka moments ya know and Mom wouldhmmm be gone somewhere so I’d sit there with him in front of the tv every night and he was obsessed and thenhmm uh then one night my fruit punch got me dizzy and I learned later he roofied me thathmmmmm that one night and honestly he hadn’t done anything like that before and I um just remember waking up and how it hurt like hellhmmm afterward but all that stopped I think after I got used to the extrahmmm eyes after a while yea but I was mad at first because I didn’t kknow that he had a lab in the basement and he didn’t ask me first for ppermission but I think we’ve gotten closer sincehmm then for sure ummm basically hmmmmymy excuse me excuse mee basically I really just need some adderall just until I graduate its justhmmm so hard to focus now sohmmm so yea will that work does that work