Day Drinking / Amazon Prime Day

Day Drinking

I was drinking all day and all night
playing golf with beers in the cool morning
then a lunch of cheeseburgers and more beer

afterward on the porch with friends i smoked
a joint and drank more beers then ate an edible
marijuana gummy and had several glasses of wine

with dinner only to stay up late by myself after
everyone else had gone to bed and I drank tequila
with sparkling water while watching fight videos on youtube.

In the morning I woke heavy but it felt a bit pleasant
maybe not so different from how one feels
the morning after a hard workout like I had

really outdone myself but black stones gathered
around my neck as the leaden hours dissolved into day.
Soon I was marched to the rotting bridge over the moor

and sunk to the bottom of the marsh to drown and die.

Amazon Prime Day

My little sister uses an oxygen mask.
It’s not clear whether she really needs it.
Some suspect she conned the doctors into prescribing it.

She keeps a dog named Janet confined
to a chainlinked pen and it shits everywhere.
Janet lives in squalor but no one knows what to do.

The other dogs have the run of a large kennel but will try to kill
Janet if they can reach her and Janet is small.
She can’t defend herself against larger dogs.

My sister lives in a single-wide trailer on my parent’s land
with her husband and no one is allowed to enter her home.
Probably because she is a hoarder.

I go home for a barbecue and see from across the driveway
the overgrown entrance to my sister’s house
and I see Janet in her pen.

We look away and talk about lunch.