Consent to Patience


I write when I´m not tired, I don´t know why, I guess for the pleasure of passing time, and maybe making someone passing later. I get tired before noon, I walk before I eat. I eat at four or, whenever I get home later. I heard walking quickly burns more calories than running, I don´t know if I believe it, since running tires and I could walk forever, but I´m tired when I eat and after sleeping. I also read that exercising empty burns more fat, that´s not why I do it, necessarily. I don´t need to calorie count, I don´t, I´m naturally skinny, but I read it, so it´s somewhere on my mind. I used to love listening to music, now I like it. That´s an indication of time, which for other opposite reasons, I can´t help but take pleasure in. I like taking photos of everything Christian, I don´t know why, maybe cuz I wasn´t raised religiously. I enjoy reflection. Today I photographed one. A tombstone in the glass of the metro station Clínicas, a mausoleum really, an attention ticking ossuary, with a tall iron cross and an angel with its back to me, and I can´t blame the creator, nor the buried, if the dead resides in Heaven and loves us below, why wouldn´t they appreciate a passing glance or two, and the same goes for left living family, and back to me, to composition, echoic in the glass, the cemetery wall twirls razorwire border to border, in the propagating wave thrown back, wrapping winged shoulders, but if you seek to enter, and walk there on days labeled wrong, there´s rarely hopping over. Today I´m okay on this side, at home in the fridge isn´t much, but a bowl of banana and papaya, a little yogurt and granola, some water and the right song I call to help me sleep.