10 poems found in internet comment sections

10 poems found in internet comment sections

at the kennedy space center
you can touch a piece of the moon the apollo astronauts brought back
after years and years of touching
it feels like a piece of tile

whoever said she wasn’t hot anymore
was blind, i want her to
ride me until the heartbreak
goes away

you know
if you think a girl is sexy
half the credit is due to her father
so you gay

i looked at this because almost all the plants my mom gets die within less than a week
i think it is because she yells a lot
and sometimes i am scared of when she yells

how do you deal with the fact that life sucks ass
but sometimes in the middle of the shit
a short appearance of great beauty happens, and then it
continues sucking ass

we’re designed to be alone
caring too much about others
who don’t give a shit about us

i want to be in love again
i’ve never been in love

grab the roll of smarties from a girl’s pocket
it’s a tampon

this was grim. and my worst fear
ending up lonely and middle aged
basically talking to yourself and picking fights with service employees
but grateful
that it’s live humans to talk to

saying the tiger is sad because it’s in the zoo, i don’t think is correct
it is a pretty nice life compared to the wild
where only 1 of 8 tigers have a chance of living to an adult
here he does not go hungry
and can play and sleep
most tigers in the wild wish they could get that gig