Around the Multiverse: Halloween


Halloween Around the Multiverse: The Fair Democratic Republic of Wan Perilous

(In today’s episode of “Around the Multiverse,” we get a peek at some regime-friendly Halloween propaganda from Wan Perilous, ghostly fascists on an Earth separated from our own by quarks, eons, and the hazy film of fiction)

The day after Halloween is a special day for Mrs. Sar’s first grade class.  Stimulated by bellies full of sugary treats, the hyper-vigilant youth—flesh and blood of the State—are urged to tell about their adventures as ghosts, ghouls, and engaged Party members!

Milly Bilderberg’s class presentation is exemplary of the experience of most Wan Perilous children: costumes, spirits, and unwavering affection for the Most Exalted Leader, FOREHAINT SCATTERGOULD!

Her colorful drawings, though not yet honed to the levels of excellence expected from masters of Mandatory State Etherealism (don’t worry Milly, you’ve got time!), illustrate the wonders of Paraeugenics in action.  For you may run a mile to escape justice, but you can never outrun death itself.

Better to die scared and be a Haint: public service in the archives awaits you.  Better to die exhausted and be a Spook: turn the gears of industry with force invisible, invaluable.  Better, even, to die violently and be a Wraith, channeling your selfish threads of unfinished business into the cathartic eradication of chaps who dare to thwart the Revolution.

Even in sloth, you cannot escape your preternational duty.  Boo!  The curve of existence itself demands your compliance.

Happy Halloween!









